Solar panels have become a widespread choice for eco-conscious homeowners. Those who are looking to generate clean energy and reduce their reliance on the grid, can benefit a great deal from solar panels. However, one limitation of solar power is its dependence on sunshine. This is why it is a good idea to combine solar panels with solar battery storage in Sussex.

Three benefits of combining solar panels with battery storage

Let’s look at some of the most important merits of combining solar panels with battery storage.

Harnessing the sun’s power 24/7

Solar panels can generate electricity when sunlight hits them. But what happens at night or on cloudy days? Without battery storage, the excess energy produced during peak sunlight hours is fed back to the grid. While you might receive credits for this contribution, you are still reliant on the grid for electricity needs in the evening and overcast days.

Here, battery storage acts like a personal energy bank. Excess solar energy thus created is stored in the battery. This allows you to utilise this clean, renewable power even when the sun is not shining. This empowers you to achieve true energy independence. It can also significantly reduce your reliance on the grid.

Maximising savings and efficiency

One of the most important advantages of solar panels with battery storage is the ability to take advantage of time-of-use electricity rates. Many utility companies tend to charge higher rates for electricity during peak usage hours, usually in the evenings. With battery storage, you can use the stored solar energy during these peak hours. In turn, it can greatly reduce your electricity bills.

Combat power outages effectively

Another significant benefit is increased resilience against power outages. With a fully charged battery, your home can continue to operate on solar power even during grid outages. This ensures you have essential lighting, appliances, and even heating or cooling (depending on your system) during power cuts.

The combination of solar panels and battery storage represents the future of renewable energy for homes. The winning combination of solar battery storage in Sussex and solar panels is the real key towards energy independence. To unlock all its benefits, get in touch with TEC Electrical & Solar Ltd. We will help you harness the real power of solar and many long-term benefits.

TEC-Elec Sussex 1200 627

19 July 2024

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