The best possible use of solar panels is connecting the grid to a battery storage system. Why, you ask? It is because the battery will give you the power to light up your house when the sun is not shining bright. It is common in the UK, so you must be prepared for the worst.

Sussex’s solar battery storage system allows you to store energy directly from the solar panels. It is best suited for a household that requires substantial energy to sustain itself. The state-of-the-art solar batteries are recharged directly from the power grid.

How To Choose The Right Capacity Solar Storage Batteries?

Generally, a UK household would require 5kWh of solar panel batteries to light up their household. This capacity will increase the efficiency of your house and curtail your dependence on grid power. 

The data suggests that an average household of 2 to 3 people consumes 2700kWh annually. So, a system storing 3.5kWh per year is the best option. Now you may think, why do you need the excess storage? The average efficiency of the panels is 20%. This is the conversion of energy by the panels from sunlight to electricity. On top of that, the panels don’t produce energy at night.

The additional 5kWh of storage means that no energy produced by the solar panels is wasted. If unsure what will work best for your household, consult a professional company for guidance. The professionals will guide you through the process and provide the correct information.

How Do You Charge The Batteries When There Is No Sun?

When the sun doesn’t shine for days, this is a nightmare for most households. Most households use multiple alliances for survival, so you need to plan for a backup. The solution is to charge the solar battery from the grid when the charge is the least. This will help you when the sun is down. If you own an EV, getting solar battery storage with high capacity is advantageous as you get low-priced energy for a long time. 

With a generous amount of energy, you can plan expenditures as required. Talk with TEC Electrical and Solar Ltd experts to install solar battery storage on your property.

TEC-Elec Sussex 1200 627

17 January 2025

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